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Mastering ML: From Idea to Launch

by | Feb 28, 2025 | amazon product roundup | 0 comments

Designing Machine⁣ Learning Systems: An iterative Process ‌for Production-Ready ‍Applications

Mastering ML: From Idea to Launch

Designing Machine ​Learning Systems

Discover ⁢the essential guide to producing robust machine learning applications with ⁣ designing Machine Learning Systems. Published by O’Reilly‌ Media, this‍ first edition released on June 21, ⁤2022, contains ⁢ 386‌ pages of expert knowledge aimed at helping innovators build successful ⁢technologies. With practical⁤ insights into machine learning,AI,deep learning,and NLP,this⁤ book⁢ equips ⁣you with necessary skills for forward-thinking​ innovation.


Building Machine Learning Powered Applications:⁢ Going from Idea to Product

Mastering ML: From Idea to Launch
Building Machine Learning Powered ​Applications

This insightful ⁣book by‍ O’Reilly Media⁢ guides⁢ you through the journey ⁤from concept ‍to creation, showing how ​to harness machine Learning, AI, and deep Learning for your ⁤innovations. With 257 ‍pages of expert knowledge, it empowers aspiring developers‌ with the skills necessary for success in today’s tech-driven world.


Machine Learning Production Systems: Engineering Machine‍ Learning Models and Pipelines

Mastering ML: From Idea ‍to Launch

machine Learning Production Systems

this essential‍ guide⁣ by O’Reilly Media empowers⁣ innovators‍ in the field​ of Machine Learning and AI⁢ to thrive.With 472 pages of expert insights, ​you’ll gain the skills required to engineer ‌robust ⁤machine learning models‍ and pipelines. Join a ⁣legacy ⁢of knowledge that has inspired innovation for over 40 years.

Publisher Language ISBN-10
O’Reilly Media English 1098156013


The AI ‌Product⁤ Manager’s‍ Handbook: Develop a​ product that takes advantage ‍of ⁢machine learning to⁢ solve AI problems

Mastering ⁢ML:‍ From Idea to Launch

The AI Product Manager's Handbook

Published⁣ by Packt ‍Publishing on February 28,⁤ 2023, ‌this 250-page paperback ‌guide (ISBN-10: ‍ 1804612936,⁣ ISBN-13: 978-1804612934)​ provides essential insights for ​aspiring⁣ product managers in‍ the AI space. Weighing⁢ in at 15.5⁣ ounces with dimensions of 9.25 x⁤ 7.52 x 0.53 inches, it’s the ultimate ⁤resource to master the art of‍ developing AI-driven ⁢products.



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