What Does AIM-E Do?

There are different kinds of Cloud platforms and Artificial Intelligence Tools for different kinds of problems and businesses.

At AIM-E we will help you find the right fit. 

If, by some slim chance, AIM-E is not the best choice to fulfill your project needs,  AIM-E can assist your company in identifying the right companies and resources to meet your cloud or AI project needs. 

AIM-E works in a few select areas of AI, specifically

AI Regulation Future Proofing

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying compliant with the latest regulatory standards isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. With the introduction of the 42001 standard, alongside stringent US AI and EU standards looming on the horizon, the need for businesses to adapt and prepare has never been more critical. That’s where AIM-E comes in.

At AIM-E, we understand the complexities and challenges of meeting these upcoming requirements. While no certification for auditors exists yet for these new standards, our forward-thinking approach ensures that your company isn’t just reacting to changes but leading the charge towards compliance and excellence.

Cloud Consulting

Moving massive workloads to the cloud, integrating multiple clouds, making cloud resources fully scalable and controlable, reducing cost and increasing ROI- All of these and more AIM-E can do for your company!

Document Processing (Document or Knowledge Engine)

Document Engine is created when an AI is “trained” to understand a “type” of a document. Once the system understands what’s in a type of document, we can feed it as many of those kinds of documents as we need and get all the information out of them with simple searches!

Predictive Analytics

AIM-E creates predictive analytics Artificial Intelligence systems in order to ask “what if” questions like – if I change this product, how does that affect sales forecast? or if I change this resource, how does that affect staffing? 

AI interfaces

AIM-E can create different types of interfaces for the AI systems we help create. We can provide a chatbot, smart speaker (Alexa, google home), applications or other kinds of interfaces to make it EASY to get the information your AI projects create and share them across the organization

AI Change Management

Artificial Intelligence Organizational Preparation and Change Management

AIM-E can get your organization, business units and teams up to speed on Artificial intelligence projects. We can assist in providing change management for your AI projects
AIM-E Project Management
AIM-E can help your organization manage AI projects to make sure they are successful
Artificial Intelligence Training
AIM-E can mentor and teach your organization’s management, development, operations, and auditing staff. AIM- E can teach an organization how to prepare, create, manage, develop, test, provide proof of trust and ethical behavior and monitor and evaluate the organization’s Artificial Intelligence CMMI level
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AI Regulatory expert
A friendly Assistant well versed in AI regulations
Hello. Please ask me anything about wordwide AI regulations and I'll do my best to answer. Theres a lot of information, so it sometimes takes a bit for me to answer- be patient. Nothing I say is "legal advice" but purely informational